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"The Trainiac Tribune" Newsletter Archives

Here, you can find all our newsletters, including both the written and audio formats. This page will be an ever-evolving home base for some of the best initiatives from the Trainer Enablement Team. You can expect this to evolve tremendously over time. If you have any feedback, suggestions, or want to become a part of this opportunity, please reach out to us! You can either email or Slack message Lead Trainer Max Oldani.

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Volume 6: A New Approach to Our Newsletter

August 31, 2022

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Keywords: Client Churn Insights, Resource Round-Up

Volume 5: Client Churn & A New Approach to Serving You

July 29, 2022

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Keywords: Client Churn Insights, Keys to A Great Consult Call

Client Churn Insights, What is Lifesum?, Keys to A Great Consult Call, This Month's Mini Modules, Kevin's Seaver's Top Tips, Be the Expert: Opportunities for Client Education - Add Value by Educating your Client!" "Assessment Workout Do's & Don'ts: How to get the most out of the Assessment Workouts," "Meet the Client Where They Are: Building the Plan: Using the Plan to Set Your Client Up For Success," "Organization & New Client Onboarding: How to Organize New Client Information to Set Yourself Up for Success!"

Volume 4: Trainer Referrals & More Nutrition!

June 17, 2022

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Keywords: Mini-Modules, Nutrition Guidance, New Welcome Message

New Weekly Mini-Modules, "How Much Protein Should Your Clients Really Eat?", "Exercise and Digestive Discomfort", "Minding the Intention-Action Gap" , "The New Welcome Message"

Volume 3: Cardio Activities and the Strava App

May 16, 2022

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Keywords: Q1 Takeaways, Cardio Activities, Strava App

Big Takeaways from Q1, "Using S.M.A.R.T. Fitness Goals & the Strava App To Overcome Mental Hurdles" by Emily Jansen, "Utilizing Cardio Effectively & Sustainably in a Weight Training Program" by Reilly Harris, "How to Make Cardio More Enjoyable for Your Clients" by Connor Barnard, Mindset - Trainer Efficiency: Online Training Mindset, Trainer of the Month: Sudip Bagui

Volume 2: Navigating the Gympass App & Nutrition Integrations

April 15, 2022

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Keywords: Gympass App Access for Trainers, Lifesum App Action, Four-Week Check-Ins

Gympass App Access, Lifesum App Action, Nutrition Section on Custom Plan‍, Four-Week Check-Ins, Gympass App Access for Trainers, "What's the Best Method to Help Your Client Reach Their Nutrition Goals" By: Max Oldani, "Carbs Aren't the Problem. it's your discipline to control carb intake" By: Deanna Brolly, "addressing nutrition at four-week Check-ins" By: Ben Palocko, Client Spotlight: ellen hochberg, Trainer of the Month: rosie mascoli, Volume 2

Volume 1: Newsletter Kickoff & Integrating Mindfulness

March 15, 2022

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Keywords: Lessonly Module, Calm App Activity, Intake Form Completion

Lessonly Module: "Gympass Digital Apps Part 1: Calm, Lifesum, Strava", Calm App Activity, Intake Form Completion, Trainer of the Month: Ashley Weidner, Client Spotlight: Kyle Poll, "Kickstart Questions" By: Melissa Aycock, "Make your workouts work for, not against you!" By: Melanie Payne, "The Mental Health Benefits Of Exercise" By: Emily Jansen, Team trends & Performance Tips, Vol. 1: Newsletter Kickoff & Integrating Mindfulness, Volume 1

Vol. 2: Navigating the Gympass App & Nutrition Integrations

Date: April 15th, 2022

Publication Segments:

Gympass App Access for Trainers
"What's the Best Method to Help Your Client Reach Their Nutrition Goals" By: Max Oldani
"Carbs Aren't the Problem. it's your discipline to control carb intake" By: Deanna Brolly
"addressing nutrition at four-week Check-ins" By: Ben Palocko
Client Spotlight: ellen hochberg
Trainer of the Month: rosie mascoli

Gympass & Trainiac Services Discussed:

Gympass App Access
Lifesum App Action
Nutrition Section on Custom Plan‍
Four-Week Check-Ins
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Vol. 1: Newsletter Kickoff & Integrating Mindfulness

Date: March 15th, 2022

Publication Segments:

Team trends & Performance Tips
"The Mental Health Benefits Of Exercise" By: Emily Jansen
"Make your workouts work for, not against you!" By: Melanie Payne
"Kickstart Questions" By: Melissa Aycock
Client Spotlight: Kyle Poll
Trainer of the Month: Ashley Weidner

Gympass & Trainiac Services Discussed:

Intake Form Completion
Calm App Activity
Lessonly Module: "Gympass Digital Apps Part 1: Calm, Lifesum, Strava"
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This Month: 50% OFF your first month of training. RISK FREE for 30 days.

Trainiac Newsletter · Volume 3: Cardio Activities and the Strava App